September 17, 2008

Tea Party

I have always been a girl/woman who loves frills and pretty things. I love pastel colors and yes, I admit I haven't out grown the color pink.

I love wearing dresses, skirts, purses,jewelry and high-heels. I am through and through very much a priss, Olivia would agree that so is she.

Today Melanie and I hosted a tea party for the girls, a fun reason to dress up and play elegant.

Kaia and Aniston having tea.

Kari read a poem that expressed in a humorous way, a darling presentation of being polite and using proper etiquette.

A Poem about the "Thing-a-ma-jig."

The decor consisted of flowers, hats, tea pots, tea cups, hat boxes that stored all sorts of delightful sweet treats.

We chatted, danced, giggled and pranced, it was such a fun time.

A memory to mark on a scrap book page of my heart.

September 10, 2008

Where is King Solomon?

The ever so wise story of King Solomon. A Biblical story which is used to prove overwhelming wisdom in a bicker between "two mothers" fighting over a child.

Could this story that took place so long ago have been inspired for people now? A foresight of knowing how terrible divorce would plague this world and scar so many innocent children.

I struggle in my own life to share (what is most precious to me) our children with other parents. Not being with the children every day leaves an unbearable void. It takes a lot of self talk, compassion,love and surrounding myself with other peoples kids to ease that empty space in my heart each time the kids leave.

The reason I bring this story up is purely for the parallels I draw in my life and gather incredible strength when faced to share time and the back and forth of the kids.

Recently Emily went on a trip to Kenya. She came home with news of a great job opportunity for her and requested that the girls go with her. As you can imagine there was a stammer of shock for both Stephen, myself and anyone else that heard the idea. It seemed like the ultimate request and it has been hard to but this all into proper perspective.

The decision of Emily taking Alexis and Olivia to Kenya is not mine to make, thank goodness. I can see how the experience the girls could gain would be rich, but the price seems very high.

The recent decision to relinquish time that I felt (as Chandler's Mother) was rightfully mine to his Father and stepmother was painfully hard. But, I find peace in knowing that I do what I do for the love of my child.

You see, a parent who loves their child most is the one who wants sincerely what's best for their child, without excuses as to why and how it fills their own best interests and desires.

I've drawn to the conclusion that if a child can feel loved and wanted, then isn't this what is best? Children don't care about the details of divorce papers, which parent thinks they have the best home, or the most money, which parent can provide Ivy League education. Children crave peace, love, harmony and not to be put in the middle of parents at war, all in the name of "Them".

Chandler slid this piece of paper under my door one day after a battle with his Dad. I understood quickly what my son wanted me to know. The paper mimics a Chinese caricature I have framed in our home, it is the sign of peace and under the caricatures he wrote "peace makers today and forever". I hung this little message Chandler gave me so I would see it every day. It hangs in my bathroom with two band aides to represent how we as parents can get caught up in the "stupids" of life, not realizing the hurt we are inflicting on our children.

It be nice if King Solomon could resolve most custody battles so wise and quick, sort through the riff of what is best to do especially in this particular situation.

September 5, 2008

Fun Run

Oakhallow fun run

September 2, 2008

Football Fanatics

This past Saturday was the first BYU game of the season. Stephen and I took our three children and Savannah,we have season tickets and try to take the kids to at least one game per season. Looking forward to some good times at the Cougar stadium, Jason, Jess and Scott all have season tickets and our seats are all together.

Growing up my Dad made an effort to take us to the BYU games and what fond memories I have. I remember the bronze cougar statue in the south front entrance and the smell of food vendors, fan feet stomping with excitement on the metal bleachers. Cosmo the cougar was my all time most favorite thing to sight at the game, I would watch him more than the game.